Your chin plays a big role in the way your profile looks. If you’re unhappy with your profile, or more specifically, the way your jawline looks, you could be a candidate for a chin implant. Chin implants are on the rise, because they can change the underlying structure of your face, giving your features a better balance. If you’re looking into getting a chin implant in Miami Beach, here’s what to expect!Once the surgery begins, your surgeon will make a tiny incision underneath your chin or on inside of your mouth, between the gum and lower lip. Once your surgeon makes this incision, he or she will then insert the chin implant. After, your surgeon will check to make sure the implant matches your other facial features. He or she may adjust the implant if necessary. Your surgeon will then secure your implant by slipping it into a pocket or attaching it to your bone/soft tissue. Once the implant is secure, the surgery is complete! The procedure takes only 30 to 45 minutes, and the results are quick to show.
Get the Best Chin Implant in Miami Beach!
As you can see, getting a chin implant is a simple surgery. And when a chin implant surgery is performed correctly, it can truly redefine your face and improve your overall appearance. So if you want the best chin implant in Miami Beach, look no further than our office! Our team makes every effort to provide our patients with the finest care and most convenient payment options. Contact Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center today!