When you suffer from a missing tooth, either from trauma, tooth decay, gum disease or any other reason, you soon come to the realization just how important your teeth are. The different functionalities that some do not even think about become an issue for you. Some experience trouble speaking or pronouncing different words because of missing teeth. Some feel self-conscious and stop smiling as much or even taking pictures. And then there are the other consequences of missing teeth like change in face shape due to the unstimulated jaw bone and not being able to enjoy the different foods you once did. Whatever reason you are suffering due to tooth loss, there is a solution for you: Dental Implants in Coral Springs. You may be wondering whether or not dental implants will be a good alternative for you, keep reading to find out if you are a candidate!
Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants in Coral Springs?
If you are in Coral Springs and looking into potentially getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth, the first step in determining whether or not you are a candidate is scheduling a consultation. Certain medical qualifications need to be met in order to ensure that you can get dental implants in Coral Springs. During the consultation, x-rays and examinations will be taken in order to determine several factors including bone density, bone quantity, gum health, and more. Depending on each unique situation, dental implants in Coral Springs treatment plans and treatment lengths vary. Some patients require a bone grafting procedure before the dental implant is placed, some patients need multiple teeth replaced and so on. The possibilities for each treatment plan are extensive, but no matter what the scenario is, we can work with you if you want dental implants in Coral Springs. So if you have been thinking about dental implants being an option for your teeth replacement, pick up the phone and call Oral Facial Reconstruction and Dental Implant Center! We have five locations to better serve you and our caring team of professionals is waiting for you. We want everyone to feel confident and proud of their smile, and if dental implants in Coral Springs is what you need, we are here to help!