Foods You Should Avoid Before a Wisdom Tooth Removal

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Getting an extraction for your wisdom teeth in Coral Springs can be very stressful—the last thing you need is to make it even more troublesome. Certain foods can cause complications during your surgery or even lengthen the healing period.

That’s why we compiled this list of foods to avoid before wisdom tooth extraction to ensure a flawless and smooth recovery.

Reduce coffee intake before before removing your wisdom teeth In Coral Springs

5 Foods to Avoid Before Wisdom Tooth Surgery

The food you consume in the days before a surgery plays a major part in your recovery process. Certain foods, like salmon, reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation—while others, like sugars, do the exact opposite.

Maintaining an ideal diet in preparation for your surgery can reduce discomfort and avoid complications. Here are the foods you should steer away from before extraction.

1. Crunchy, Hard Foods

Hard foods like nuts, chips, popcorn, or crackers can dislodge already-loose wisdom teeth before surgery or harm your gums.

Also, try to avoid foods with hard crusts or tough textures, such as pizza and bread.

2. Chewy, Sticky Foods

Sticky snacks such as chewing gum, dried fruit, and candies can become lodged in extraction sites and increase the risk of infection.

3. Spicy Seasonings

A week before surgery, avoid eating anything spicy to prevent irritated gums and oral tissues.

4. Caffeine

The week before surgery, try cutting back on your caffeine intake. Coffee can make the anesthesia last longer after the procedure and make it more difficult for you to wake up.

5. Alcohol

In the same way as caffeine, alcohol can interact negatively with anesthesia and other sedation options. One or two weeks before your surgery, try to cut down on alcohol.

Foods to avoid before removing your wisdom teeth In Coral Springs

Remove Your Wisdom Teeth in Coral Springs

Avoiding these foods in the days leading up to your surgery will help you lower your risk and get ready for a painless extraction and recovery.

If you have any remaining questions before your wisdom tooth surgery, give us a call!