When you were young you were taught to identify different parts of the body. Did your teacher or your parent ever mention the word “frenum” to you? You’ve heard of teeth, gums, tongue but frenum was never mentioned. Unlike other parts of your oral cavity, frenum is not as popular. You might get surprised if your Oral Surgeon Pembroke Pines mentions your frenum and suggests you get a frenectomy.
What Is A Frenum?
There are two types of frenum, the lingual and the labial. The lingual is the one located underneath your tongue at the floor of your mouth. The labial frenum is located in the upper arch of your oral cavity and it’s the tissue that joins the gums to your upper lip.
What Is A Frenectomy?
A frenectomy is a procedure done by an oral surgeon to reduce the size of the frenum by using a laser or a scalpel or blade. In certain cases, the oral surgeon may use the two instruments together to accurately shape the tissue in order to achieve the best outcome. Luckily, there is very little swelling and discomfort felt following a frenectomy and the patient can resume normal functioning of his or her tongue and lips.
Why Does Your Oral Surgeon Perform It?
Frenum comes in various sizes but if your lingual frenum compromises or restricts the movement of your tongue a frenectomy may be required to fix it and to liberate the tongue so you can talk and swallow freely. If your labial frenum is too long or too wide it will create a space between your two front teeth. An oral surgeon will have to surgically remove it to close the gap followed by a dental consultation with an orthodontist so that a schedule for surgery can be decided.
Looking for an Oral Surgeon Pembroke Pines?
If deemed necessary, it’s totally okay to have your frenum adjusted in size or length as long as the procedure is performed by a licensed and qualified Oral Surgeon Pembroke Pines. At Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center, we can provide you with the best care and treatments thanks to our team of experienced oral surgeons who possess all the necessary knowledge and skills to guarantee success. Call us today for an appointment.