Do you often find yourself complaining of pain in your jaw or tenderness in one or both of your temporomandibular joints? Are you suffering from an aching pain around your ear? Is chewing difficult to do? Have you ever felt your jaw lock making it hard for you to open or close your mouth? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then it’s highly likely that you suffer from a TMJ disorder. TMJ Coral Springs is a treatable condition but it is important that you know its signs and symptoms, so you can address it, and have it treated right away.
What is a TMJ Disorder?
TMJ or otherwise known as temporomandibular joint works as a hinge and it joins your mandible to both the temporal bones of your skull, hence the name. Each side of your jaw has it. TMJ disorders are a type of disorder that causes pain in the muscles that control the movement of your jaw as well as the joints of your jaw. It can be difficult to determine the root cause of TMJ as it can be a result of a combination of factors like jaw injury, arthritis or genetics.
When Should You See a TMJ Coral Springs Doctor?
Majority of TMJ cases resolve on their own through self-managed care or the application of non-invasive procedures. The pain and discomfort felt by TMJ patients are often tolerable but if nonsurgical treatment methods fail in relieving the pain, surgery is usually the last option. If you don’t experience any pain and all you hear is a clicking sound when you speak then you don’t need to have it treated. It’s best to see a doctor when the pain is persistent and when you can no longer completely close your jaw.
What Causes TMJ?
A TMJ disorder can occur if a disk gets misaligned or if a cartilage deteriorates and gets damaged as a result of arthritis. A joint that is destroyed by trauma can also lead to a painful TMJ disorder.
Seeing Treatment for TMJ Coral Springs?
Most TMJ disorder cases go away on its own even without treatment but if the pain becomes strong and persistent then it’s time to have your TMJ Coral Springs treated. At Oral Facial Reconstruction, we treat TMJ problems. Call us today or visit our website for more information.