Dental implants in Aventura are an incredible procedure. They can replace one or several missing teeth, restore your chewing ability, and give you a natural-looking smile. Sadly, some patients end up disappointed because their much-expected implants don’t end up working as they’re supposed to.
As with any medical procedure, dental implants can fail. Here are the common reasons why it happens.
Causes of Dental Implant Failure
Dental implant failure can stem from problems during the surgery or from the patient’s already existing medical conditions. Here are some of the most common examples:
Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can put too much pressure on dental implants in the early stages of the procedure. This has a negative impact on osseointegration, leading to failure and instability.
Allergic Reaction
Some patients experience allergic reactions to titanium, which is used in a dental implant’s abutment. Although rare, this can cause hives on the skin or in the mouth, eczema, or swelling.
Poor Impressions
For a dental implant to function properly, its crown must fit and match the surrounding teeth exactly. If not, it can lead to poor oral hygiene and implant failure.
Peri-implant diseases, or infections of the gums surrounding the dental implant, are another factor that could lead to failure. In these cases, oral bacteria proliferate beneath the abutment and along the gum line, causing tissue damage and localized discomfort.
Bone Support Issues
The patient’s upper and lower jawbone must be strong enough to support a dental implant. Tumors, trauma, periodontal disease, and other medical disorders can all cause this vital bone material to degenerate, leading to implant failure.
Get Successful Dental Implants in Aventura
Although dental implants can fail, these cases are just an exception. And still, with a proper previous assessment at Oral Facial Reconstructions, you can be sure you’re fulfilling the right qualifications to get a successful implant.
If you’re interested, give us a call!