The most notable benefit of dental implants is that almost anyone can be a good candidate for this procedure. You are eligible for dental implants in Coral Springs as long as you are in good health prior to the procedure. But what if a patient has anemia? Read on to know if an individual whose anemic can avail of dental implants.
Dental Implants and Anemia
Treatment for Anemia Is Effective
Patients with anemia can benefit from dental implants, but they first have to undergo anemia treatment to improve the likelihood that the procedure will be successful. If you've taken care of your iron deficiency issue, your body will be able to heal more quickly, increasing the likelihood of getting a successful dental procedure.
Dental Implants May Be Affected by Anemia
The ability of your body to heal is crucial to the success of dental implant therapy. Your implant's strength and permanence are ensured when the bone around it recovers due to your body's natural healing process. Several types of anemia hamper your body’s ability to heal the bone. As a result, individuals who undergo implant surgery while anemic frequently experience discomfort, edema, and a drawn-out healing process. However, other dental implants will enable you to regain your smile despite anemia.
Teeth May Be Affected by Anemia
Malign anemia and tooth decay are related. Dental issues could develop if your gums and teeth don't get enough nourishment because of anemia. The same is true for gum disease and iron deficiency. Unfortunately, gum disease and cavities are more likely to affect anemic people. These people also have a significant risk of tooth infections, which can lead to many problems. The good news is that most of these can be avoided if you maintain proper dental hygiene habits.
Ready to Get Dental Implants in Coral Springs
You should inform your oral surgeon about the medications you use if you are currently receiving therapy for anemia. Dentists are the ones who can decide whether or not these medications will have an impact on your dental treatment. If you want to learn more about dental implants, get in touch with Oral Facial Reconstruction!